Mange specialiserede anvendelser inden for videnskab, retsvidenskab, industri, ingeniørvidenskab eller på det medicinske område, kræver særlig belysning. Til mange specifikke anvendelser, blev Dino-Lite-modeller skabt med ultraviolet belysning, infrarød belysning, fluorescerende belysning eller endda kombinationer mellem de forskellige belysningstyper.
Dino-Lite-mikroskoper i denne serie tilbyder en optisk opløsning på 1,3 megapixel og 5 megapixel, en USB-forbindelse og omfatter den brugervenlige DinoCapture-software. Tilgængelige forstørrelser spænder fra middel til høj (op til ~500x). Modeller med et ekstra robust metalhus er en del af denne serie.
Den meget roste serie af Dino-Lite-fluorescensmikroskoper anses for at være verdens mindste fluorescensmikroskoper. Sammenlignet med de traditionelle fluorescensmikroskoper med båndpas-emissionsfiltre, giver Dino-Lites højpas-emissionsfiltre synlighed og følsomhed over et større interval af fluorescensbølgelængder.
Download Fluorescence overview
Stroboscopic light
With magnification lock
10-70x & 200x magnification
For capturing fast-moving objects
Stroboscopic light for capturing fast-moving objects
Refresh rate of 30fps
20-220x magnification
With external trigger to synchronize picture capturing
1.3 Megapixel resolution
Robust metal housing
395nm + white LEDs
10-70x & 200x magnification
1.3 Megapixel resolution
Robust metal housing
395nm + white LEDs
10-90x magnification
Long working distance
1.3 Megapixel resolution
~850nm IR LEDs
20-220x magnification
Versatility due to exchangeable caps
1.3 Megapixel resolution
~940nm IR LEDs
20-220x magnification
Versatility due to exchangeable caps
1.3 Megapixel resolution
~780nm IR LEDs
20-220x magnification
Versatility due to exchangeable caps
1.3 Megapixel resolution
Versatility due to exchangeable caps
~375nm UV LEDs
20-220x magnification
1.3 Megapixel resolution
400nm excitation and 430nm emission filter
20-220x magnification
To observe DAPI
1.3 Megapixel resolution
620nm excitation and 650nm emission filter
20-220x magnification
To observe Cy5
1.3 Megapixel resolution
Versatility due to exchangeable caps
~375nm + white LEDs
20-220x magnification
1.3 Megapixel resolution
Versatility due to exchangeable caps
395nm + white LEDs
20-220x magnification
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The official main distributor and importer for Europe, the Middle-East and Africa. Privacy statement and General Conditions. To withdraw consent use this form copyright © IDCP B.V. - The Netherlands
The official main distributor and importer for
Europe, the Middle-East and Africa.
Privacy statement and General Conditions.
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copyright © IDCP B.V. - The Netherlands