
Opciones por cable o inalámbricas para conectar microscopios Dino-Lite a smartphones, tabletas y otros dispositivos móviles.

Opciones por cable o inalámbricas para conectar microscopios Dino-Lite a smartphones, tabletas y otros dispositivos móviles.

Ordenar por:

Alta resolución óptica
5.0 megapíxeles
Control flexible de LED (FLC)
Polarizador ajustable
Interfaz adaptable
Carcasa de metal resistente

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Alta resolución óptica
5,0 megapíxeles
Óptica de larga distancia de trabajo (LWD)
Control flexible de LED (FLC)
Polarizador ajustable
Interfaz adaptable
Carcasa de metal resistente

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Alta resolución óptica
5,0 megapíxeles
Control flexible de LED (FLC)
Polarizador ajustable
Lectura automática de magnificación (AMR)
Interfaz adaptable
Carcasa de metal resistente

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Alta resolución óptica
5 megapíxeles
Óptica de larga distancia de trabajo (LWD)
Control flexible de LED (FLC)
Polarizador ajustable

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Resolución de 5 megapíxeles
Profundidad de campo extendida (EDOF)
Rango dinámico extendido (EDR)
Control flexible de LED (FLC)
Lectura automática de la ampliación (AMR)
Preparado para uso inalámbrico

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Resolución de 5 megapíxeles
Profundidad de campo extendida (EDOF)
Rango dinámico extendido (EDR)
Control flexible de LED (FLC)
Ampliación de 10 a 140x
Larga distancia de trabajo (LWD)
Listo para uso inalámbrico

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Dino-Lite Wi-Fi streamer
En vivo en dispositivos móviles
Configuración de la cámara
Múltiples usuarios
Uso estacionario

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Transmisión estable
Conectividad de red
Larga vida de la batería
Diseño adaptable

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WF4115ZT - Wireless

1.3 Megapixel Edge sensor
20-220x magnification
Adjustable polarizer
Flexible LED Control (FLC)
Free iOS and Android App

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WF4115ZTL - Wireless

1.3 Megapixel Edge sensor
Long Working Distance (LWD)
Free iOS and Android App
Flexible LED Control (FLC)
measurement functionality

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WF4515ZT - Wireless

1.3 Megapixel Edge sensor
20-220x magnification
Adjustable polarizer
Flexible LED Control (FLC)
Automatic Magnification Reading (AMR)

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WF4515ZTL - Wireless

1.3 Megapixel Edge sensor
Long Working Distance (LWD)
Free iOS and Android App
Flexible LED Control (FLC)
Automatic Magnification Reading (AMR)

Mostrar CompararDónde comprar
WF4915ZT - Wireless

1.3 Megapixel Edge sensor
Extended Depth of Field (EDOF)
Extended Dynamic Range (EDR)
Flexible LED Control (FLC)
Automatic Magnification Reading (AMR)

Mostrar CompararDónde comprar
WF4915ZTL - Wireless

1.3 Megapixel Edge sensor
Extended Depth of Field (EDOF)
Extended Dynamic Range (EDR)
Flexible LED Control (FLC)
Automatic Magnification Reading (AMR)

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5 Megapixel resolution
Robust metal housing
10-220x magnification
Flexible LED Control (FLC)

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Dino-Lite Europe, IDCP B.V.
Manuscriptstraat 12-14
1321 NN Almere
The Netherlands

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Dino-Lite newsletter

The official main distributor and importer for Europe, the Middle-East and Africa. Privacy statement and General Conditions.  To withdraw consent use this form copyright © 2025 IDCP B.V. - The Netherlands

Dino-Lite Europe, IDCP B.V.
Manuscriptstraat 12-14
1321 NN Almere
The Netherlands

Sign up for
Dino-Lite newsletter

The official main distributor and importer for Europe, the Middle-East and Africa. Privacy statement and General Conditions.  To withdraw consent use this form copyright © 2025 IDCP B.V. - The Netherlands

Dino-Lite Europe
Manuscriptstraat 12-14
1321 NN Almere
The Netherlands

Sign up for
Dino-Lite newsletter

The official main distributor and importer for
Europe, the Middle-East and Africa. 
Privacy statement and General Conditions. 

To withdraw consent use this form
copyright © 2025 IDCP B.V. - The Netherlands