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What approximate size and weight will the sample have that you are sending? *
Do you want us to return the sample to you? *

If you do not want that pictures made from the sample material you supplied are used for commercial reasons please check this box. Without authorization we will not use your company name or product name in any communication.

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Send in your sample material and we will send you some highly magnified images made with a Dino-Lite digital microscope. Free of charge!

Thousands of users around the world are using Dino-Lite’s daily for a broad variety of quality assurance tasks. Dino-Lite has grown into a highly respected and reliable instrument for examining all kind of small objects and material such as metal, glass, plastics, fabrics, paper, tissue, or other biological material. If you are not sure which Dino-Lite model would be best suitable for you, you can send in your sample material and we will send you some highly magnified Dino-Lite images including an advice for the most appropriate model. Free of charge obviously!

Dino-Lite Europe, IDCP B.V.
Manuscriptstraat 12-14
1321 NN Almere
The Netherlands

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Dino-Lite newsletter

The official main distributor and importer for Europe, the Middle-East and Africa. Privacy statement and General Conditions.  To withdraw consent use this form copyright © 2025 IDCP B.V. - The Netherlands

Dino-Lite Europe, IDCP B.V.
Manuscriptstraat 12-14
1321 NN Almere
The Netherlands

Sign up for
Dino-Lite newsletter

The official main distributor and importer for Europe, the Middle-East and Africa. Privacy statement and General Conditions.  To withdraw consent use this form copyright © 2025 IDCP B.V. - The Netherlands

Dino-Lite Europe
Manuscriptstraat 12-14
1321 NN Almere
The Netherlands

Sign up for
Dino-Lite newsletter

The official main distributor and importer for
Europe, the Middle-East and Africa. 
Privacy statement and General Conditions. 

To withdraw consent use this form
copyright © 2025 IDCP B.V. - The Netherlands